
I’m just trying to escape reality.

Juniper Adams didn’t have a good childhood, and now she is ready to start talking about it. The Echoes at Night is a poetry collection that discusses multiple topics, including depression, suicide, and abuse (by a father and boyfriend).

The Recovery: A Process is a chapbook that contains ten poems, one of which was published in the third issue of Spray Paint Magazine.

This collection captures the “slice of life” of someone living with a mental illness, such as depression.

if you wanna know more about me, then please, you should just ask.

Split up into three different parts—shelf one- the night watcher, shelf two- the poisonous antidote, and shelf three- the illusion of talk therapy—; Poetry on the Bookcase is a coming-of-age poetry collection about the effects and experience of an abusive relationship, suicide and suicide ideation, the mundane of everyday living, and the life before (and slightly after) that short-lasting romantic relationship.

In Chosen – A Child of Assault, a stranger assaulted sixteen-year-old Janice Shepherd in her bedroom one night. She conceived and delivered her son, James, but never revealed his father to him.

Now, at nineteen, James’ job as a copy typist forces her to tell him about that night. What will he do with this knowledge? Will his faith in God make a difference to him and his mom now that he knows about his birth?

They say not to let your heart bleed onto the pages, but here I am doing it anyway.

When my well is overflowing with star-covered words, my fingers bleed them out. They implant themselves on white or cream paper, crying out, wanting to be heard like a hungry child in the middle of the night. But then the words flutter away like a cabbage white butterfly during Spring.

They’re supposed to come back. I need them to come back.

Talk Therapy is an open letter that captures a sliver of what it’s like living with a mind that’s a black monster. Talk Therapy is also Angel-Clare Linton’s second poetry collection.

Coming Soon

In Chosen – A Child of Abuse, sixteen-year-old Justine lives with her father, mother, and younger siblings.  Money is tight for the family, and getting food to eat on most days is challenging.  Additionally, her mother expresses her frustration with her living conditions by abusing Justine and her siblings.

However, one day, after losing her baby, Justine walked away from her home to live with her grandfather, who lived close to her family home.  While living there, she learned more about her mother, met a new friend and found the courage to break up with her boyfriend.  There, Justine also met her Saviour.