Category: The Newsletter

  • Hi, hello.  Welcome.  Long time, no talk.  Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024!  We at Linton Press have some updates for you.

  • Hi, everyone!  It has been a while since we’ve uploaded a newsletter issue, and we have some updates.

  • There are less than two weeks left of NaNoWriMo! However, there are some goodies you get if you win and if you participate.  In this newsletter, I’ll be highlighting a few of them. You can view the entire list here.

  • NaNoWriMo is one of the biggest writing events of the year.  Well, at least that’s what it seems to be.  According to their website, in 2021, “427,653 writers participated in [their] programs, including 90,561 students and educators in the Young Writers Program” (NaNoWriMo).  In that same year, for Camp NaNoWriMo, “51,507 Campers tackled a writing…